Standard Map Projection || conical projections , cylindrical projections and Azimuthal projections

Standard Map Projection

Conical Projections --

Are made as if a large paperncone rested on the top of the globe , with its point above the North Pole and it's norom edge touching the globe somewhere north of the Equator . When the cone is cut , a flat map unfolds , shaped like a fan . Conical Projections are best for showing areas in the middle latitudes.

Cylindrical Projections--

Show the globe as if it were projected onto a large sheet of paper surrounding it . Those points around the centre , near  the Equator , appear accurately , but area's near the Poles are stretched , causing landmarks far to the North and South to look much larger than they really are .

Azimuthal Projections--

This projections are also called plane or zenithal projections . To create  these , the map maker designates one point of the globe as the centre of the map - the point can be any  where and projects an image as if a flat piece stuff paper were resting there.

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