Changing Fashions in World Maps || Chiseled info
No one world map protection can do it all - accurate distance, direction shape , and area . Over the years , different projections have come to the forefront .
The Winkel Tripel projections , adopted in 1998 by the National Geographic Society , is most often chosen today for general reference.
The Robinson projection was favoured for classrooms and textbooks from 1988 to 1998.
The Van der Grinten projection was used by the National Geographic Society for most of it's political maps from 1922 into the 1980s.
The Mercator projection , centuries old and test still broadly used , also distorts the relative sizes of Landmasses in high latitudes.
Fast Facts -- The first scholar to discribe a conical map projection was Ptolemy , in second - century Alexander , Egypt.
Azimuth--- In astronomy , gunnery , navigation and other fields , two coordinates describing the position of an object above the earth .
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